In this article, you’ll learn how to upload a CSV file from the UI rather than a static path or source, in order to make it dynamic.
1] Basic knowledge of Angular 7
2] Visual Studio Code
3] Angular CLI must be installed
4] NodeJS must be installed
Let’s go to Visual Studio Code and open a new terminal.
Type the following command and execute it in it.
ng new Angular7AppReadCSV
Go to the Root folder, select “Yes” for Angular routing, and use CSS for the stylesheet.
here, we create a new CSV file with the name of “CSVRecord” in the app folder and paste the below code.
export class CSVRecord {
public id: any;
public firstName: any;
public lastName: any;
public age: any;
public position: any;
public mobile: any;
Open the “app.component.html” file to and paste the below HTML code.
<input type="file" #csvReader name="Upload CSV" id="txtFileUpload" (change)="uploadListener($event)" accept=".csv" />
<table class="minimalistBlack" *ngIf="records.length > 0">
<th>ID </th>
<th>FirstName </th>
<th>LastName </th>
<th>Age </th>
<th>Position </th>
<th>Mobile </th>
<tr *ngFor="let record of records;let i = index;">
<td> <span>{{}}</span> </td>
<td> <span>{{record.firstName}}</span> </td>
<td> <span>{{record.lastName}}</span> </td>
<td> <span>{{record.age}}</span> </td>
<td> <span>{{record.position}}</span> </td>
<td> <span>{{}}</span> </td>
Let’s, open the “app.component.ts” file to write code which reads the CSV file and generates the file data in the table.
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { CSVRecord } from './CSVModel';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'Angular7AppReadCSV';
public records: any[] = [];
@ViewChild('csvReader') csvReader: any;
uploadListener($event: any): void {
let text = [];
let files = $event.srcElement.files;
if (this.isValidCSVFile(files[0])) {
let input = $;
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = () => {
let csvData = reader.result;
let csvRecordsArray = (<string>csvData).split(/\r\n|\n/);
let headersRow = this.getHeaderArray(csvRecordsArray);
this.records = this.getDataRecordsArrayFromCSVFile(csvRecordsArray, headersRow.length);
reader.onerror = function () {
console.log('error is occured while reading file!');
} else {
alert("Please import valid .csv file.");
getDataRecordsArrayFromCSVFile(csvRecordsArray: any, headerLength: any) {
let csvArr = [];
for (let i = 1; i < csvRecordsArray.length; i++) {
let curruntRecord = (<string>csvRecordsArray[i]).split(',');
if (curruntRecord.length == headerLength) {
let csvRecord: CSVRecord = new CSVRecord(); = curruntRecord[0].trim();
csvRecord.firstName = curruntRecord[1].trim();
csvRecord.lastName = curruntRecord[2].trim();
csvRecord.age = curruntRecord[3].trim();
csvRecord.position = curruntRecord[4].trim(); = curruntRecord[5].trim();
return csvArr;
isValidCSVFile(file: any) {
getHeaderArray(csvRecordsArr: any) {
let headers = (<string>csvRecordsArr[0]).split(',');
let headerArray = [];
for (let j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
return headerArray;
fileReset() {
this.csvReader.nativeElement.value = "";
this.records = [];
Here, we add some CSS code For a better design, Let’s open the app.component.css, copy the below CSS and paste it there.
table.minimalistBlack {
border: 3px solid #000;
width: 100%;
text-align: left;
border-collapse: collapse
table.minimalistBlack td,
table.minimalistBlack th {
border: 1px solid #000;
padding: 5px 4px
table.minimalistBlack tbody td {
font-size: 13px
table.minimalistBlack thead {
background: #cfcfcf;
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #dbdbdb 0, #d3d3d3 66%, #cfcfcf 100%);
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #dbdbdb 0, #d3d3d3 66%, #cfcfcf 100%);
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #dbdbdb 0, #d3d3d3 66%, #cfcfcf 100%);
border-bottom: 3px solid #000
table.minimalistBlack thead th {
font-size: 15px;
font-weight: 700;
color: #000;
text-align: left
table.minimalistBlack tfoot {
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: 700;
color: #000;
border-top: 3px solid #000
table.minimalistBlack tfoot td {
font-size: 14px
That’s it. Fire the following command to see the beauty!
ng serve
Open your browser on http://localhost:4200/ or click on “http://localhost:4200/”.